Articles number: 2748

5 Random Articles

Add Scripting to Your Apps
Create a TAction and its OnExecute event at runtime
How to open a registry key for reading data without requesting write access
How to retrieve and display a TJPEGImage from a Paradox blob field
Avoid duplicate items in string lists


Listázott cikkek: 300-350
Article Title
1102 Checking if a Windows feature exists - Hide your app in the Task List (Views: 27)
2601 Class to Enumerate Resources on WNet (Views: 27)
2673 Class to Execute and Manage External EXE in your App (Views: 27)
2041 Clear a TStringGrid (Views: 27)
1076 Clear all edit controls on your form (Views: 27)
1217 Clipboard access routines which use only API functions (Views: 27)
301 Close all MDI child forms at once (Views: 27)
575 Close all the open IE windows (Views: 27)
1774 Closing Internet Explorer from Delphi (Views: 27)
359 Closing Internet Explorer from Delphi (Second Way) (Views: 27)
1640 CNPJ and CPF Validation (Views: 27)
860 Code completion reports a non-existing error (Views: 27)
2201 Code Insight (Views: 28)
1555 Collection Dataset an object oriented database (Views: 27)
1578 Color all controls on a form at runtime (Views: 27)
1885 Color TDBGrid (Views: 27)
629 Coloring Cells in a StringGrid / DBGrid (Views: 27)
1742 COM Activation (Views: 28)
921 COM/OLE Object Name Utility Procedure (Views: 27)
2586 Combine multiple wave files into a single one (Views: 27)
2255 Combine the co-related functions into one single function (Views: 27)
863 Combobox instead inplace editor in TStringGrid (Views: 27)
1729 Combobox with colors (Views: 27)
1221 Comment out large amount of source code (Views: 27)
2448 Communicating between your applications (Views: 27)
1743 Compact an Access database (Views: 27)
1126 Compact an Access database (2) (Views: 27)
779 Compare two bitmaps (Views: 27)
1044 Compare two files and find the differences (Views: 27)
624 Compare two records in the same table (Views: 27)
384 Compare two TGUID (Views: 27)
2033 Compilerswitch {$HINTS} (Delphi 2/ 3 only) (Views: 27)
2320 Complete TFTP Server example, using Indy components (Views: 28)
676 Component for Saving User Settings automatically (using Tools API) (Views: 28)
180 Component for Saving User Settings automatically (using Tools API) companent migration to delphi 7 (Views: 27)
2145 Component Serialization (Views: 29)
2681 Component templates (Views: 28)
607 Conditional defines for all compiler versions (Views: 27)
202 Connect to an ftp server and download a file (Views: 27)
1964 Connect to server databases (InterBase) without the login dialog (Views: 27)
2415 Connect/Disconnect network drives (Views: 27)
2721 Connecting to Firebird DB (Views: 27)
1358 Conserving Windows resources when using TPageControl (Views: 27)
1099 Construct a class instance from a string (Views: 27)
1283 Control Panel Applets (Views: 45)
201 Control the AutoPlay feature (Views: 27)
2028 Controlling a TCommonDialog window at runtime (Views: 27)
737 Controlling Margins when printing RichEdit contents (Views: 27)
1365 Controlling the Field Display in a TDBGrid (Views: 27)
628 Convert 8 or 16 bit color images to 32 bit (Views: 28)

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