Articles number: 2748

5 Random Articles

A detailed description of the WinHelp file format
How to determine which track the current CD is on
Parsing strings
URL highlighting in TRichEdit
Anti Cheat code in savegame files


Listázott cikkek: 300-350
Article Title
1102 Checking if a Windows feature exists - Hide your app in the Task List (Views: 28)
2601 Class to Enumerate Resources on WNet (Views: 27)
2673 Class to Execute and Manage External EXE in your App (Views: 28)
2041 Clear a TStringGrid (Views: 31)
1076 Clear all edit controls on your form (Views: 27)
1217 Clipboard access routines which use only API functions (Views: 29)
301 Close all MDI child forms at once (Views: 28)
575 Close all the open IE windows (Views: 27)
1774 Closing Internet Explorer from Delphi (Views: 28)
359 Closing Internet Explorer from Delphi (Second Way) (Views: 28)
1640 CNPJ and CPF Validation (Views: 27)
860 Code completion reports a non-existing error (Views: 27)
2201 Code Insight (Views: 28)
1555 Collection Dataset an object oriented database (Views: 27)
1578 Color all controls on a form at runtime (Views: 27)
1885 Color TDBGrid (Views: 27)
629 Coloring Cells in a StringGrid / DBGrid (Views: 28)
1742 COM Activation (Views: 28)
921 COM/OLE Object Name Utility Procedure (Views: 27)
2586 Combine multiple wave files into a single one (Views: 28)
2255 Combine the co-related functions into one single function (Views: 28)
863 Combobox instead inplace editor in TStringGrid (Views: 28)
1729 Combobox with colors (Views: 27)
1221 Comment out large amount of source code (Views: 27)
2448 Communicating between your applications (Views: 28)
1743 Compact an Access database (Views: 27)
1126 Compact an Access database (2) (Views: 30)
779 Compare two bitmaps (Views: 28)
1044 Compare two files and find the differences (Views: 27)
624 Compare two records in the same table (Views: 28)
384 Compare two TGUID (Views: 27)
2033 Compilerswitch {$HINTS} (Delphi 2/ 3 only) (Views: 28)
2320 Complete TFTP Server example, using Indy components (Views: 28)
676 Component for Saving User Settings automatically (using Tools API) (Views: 28)
180 Component for Saving User Settings automatically (using Tools API) companent migration to delphi 7 (Views: 27)
2145 Component Serialization (Views: 46)
2681 Component templates (Views: 29)
607 Conditional defines for all compiler versions (Views: 29)
202 Connect to an ftp server and download a file (Views: 27)
1964 Connect to server databases (InterBase) without the login dialog (Views: 27)
2415 Connect/Disconnect network drives (Views: 30)
2721 Connecting to Firebird DB (Views: 27)
1358 Conserving Windows resources when using TPageControl (Views: 27)
1099 Construct a class instance from a string (Views: 29)
1283 Control Panel Applets (Views: 86)
201 Control the AutoPlay feature (Views: 27)
2028 Controlling a TCommonDialog window at runtime (Views: 28)
737 Controlling Margins when printing RichEdit contents (Views: 27)
1365 Controlling the Field Display in a TDBGrid (Views: 29)
628 Convert 8 or 16 bit color images to 32 bit (Views: 29)

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How to store records in a TList when their number is unknown until runtime (Views: 52)
Create and Manage dynamic Forms at Runtime using Class References (Views: 50)
Load a stream containing HTML code into a TWebBrowser (Views: 49)
Using SOAP with Delphi (Views: 47)
Capture text from another non-Delphi application window (Views: 47)