Eragon, the move, Eldest
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6 dec
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English version available...
The english translation of the hungarian Eragon fan site is under construction but the translated sites are available already. Thank you for Leo the english translator of this site.
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Share your ideas and opinion about the site, expand the pages, be the builders of the Hungarian Eragon Fan Site! Üzenet írása...
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We have opened an English room in the forum, where you can tell your ideas and opinions in English! Üzenet írása...
Latest news
12 December 2006 English translation
We have started the English version of on our site. What we can offer you cannot be found on other sites. 99% of the film has been shot in Hungary . We have numerous pictures and we uninterruptedly receive them, and they are published on this site first. I was a dummy in the movie too, and we took many photos of the sets, costumes etc. In addition, several dummies, performers and crew members took part in the work. Among other things, you can also read their reports and comments. It is worth to get an insight into the secrets of this grandiose movie. What kind of stories and experiences attaching to the days of the shooting lasted for months?
Good luck to you! I hope you will find many new things here about Eragon.
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Click here to visit the official homepage of the movie, Eragon! - 2005-2006
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