Untitled Document
Movie - Scenes
A few seconds scenes from the movie, Eragon.
Durza and Galbatorix Watch New
Eragon meets with Murtagh Watch New
"It's not so bad up here" Watch New
Saphira is learning to fly Watch
Eragon, Saphira and Brom vs Ra'Zacs Watch
Eragon, Murtagh and Saphira arrive to Farthen Dur Watch
Eragon and Brom Watch
Eragon and Brom - The beggining of training Watch
Eragon and Arya Watch
Eragon vs Durza - 01 Watch
Eragon vs Durza - 02 Watch
Fall into the darkness Watch
Recommended Eragon sites
The movie's official homepage : EragonMovie.com
The most popular Eragon Fan Site : Shurtugal.com
Spanish Eragon Fan Site : Eragons.com
Italian Eragon Fan Site:
Eragon Fan Forum: Shruikanforums.com
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