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Osztályozóvizsga  Traveller B1 oral topics
Osztályozóvizsga  Traveller B2 oral topics
 Traveller C1 Oral exam topics

Traveller B1- Oral topics for final exam

Module 1  -  Window on the World
            Reading:        It’s a small world   (p.6)
            Speaking:      a) Where would you like to travel;   (pp10-11; p.51; p.102)
                                        how?; plans to do there
                                   b) Learning foreign languages
                                       - reasons for learning foreign languages /
                                       - ways of learning foreign languages
Module 2  -  Heroes
            Reading:                               Ivanhoe   (p.22)
            Reading – Speaking:          Everyday heroes   (p. 28)
            Speaking:                             The person I admire most   (p.27)
Module 3:  -  Work and Leisure
            Reading:        Free time   (p.38)
            Speaking:      a) How much free time do you have and how do you spend it?
                                   b) How to prepare for and how to behave at a job interview?
                                        ( pp.44-45)
Module 4:  -  Planet Earth
            Reading:        Volunteering to save Planet Earth   (p.54)
            Speaking:      a) Which programme would you volunteer and why?
                                   b) Environmental problems and solutions to them (p.63)
Module 5:  -  That’s Strange
            Reading:        Hungry burglar caught red-handed   (p.76)
            Speaking:      a) Has anything strange happened to you or have you heard of?
                                   b) Describe a place / building you have visited or would like to
                                        visit   (pp.74-75)
Module 6:  -  On the Move
            Reading:        Pedal away   (p.86)
            Speaking:      a) Different means of transport: Advantages vs. Disadvantages   (p.90)
                                   b) Different holiday destinations: Pros and Cons   (pp.91; 95)
                                   c) City life or country life: Pros and Cons   (p.96)
Module 7  -  Up-to-date
            Reading:                               E-learning English   (p.102)
            Speaking:                             Computers in our everyday life   (p.106)
                                                           Computer in your life
Module 8:  -  Human Nature
            Reading:        Twin minds think alike   (p.124)
            Speaking:      a) What kind of a person are you?   (p.90)
                                   b) Leading a healthy / unhealthy way of life
                                   c) Could you recommend a book or a film?


Traveller B2 Oral exam topics

Module 1           All Over the World
1.      On Holiday
         Reading: Trips/Vacations (one that appeals to           Book p. 9
                           you and one that does not+reasons)
         Speaking:  Types of holidays                                      Book p. 14
         Holiday Tips                                                               Book p. 15/C
Module 2           Beyond Limits
2.      Types of crimes and their punishment                        
         Speaking: Committing and punishing crimes             Book p. 40
         Reading: Crime stories (2 stories)                               Book ps. 34-35
         Prison: A Place to Forget                                            WB. p. 20/E
3.      Adventure
         Speaking: Two months on a desert island                  Book p. 50
         Round-Up Reading - Extreme Sports                        Book p. 54
Module 3           What the Future Holds
4.      Cities and housing in the future
         Reading: A Look at the Future …                              Book ps. 60-61
         Examination Practice                                                  WB. p. 34/E
         Round-Up Reading                                                    WB. p. 44/A
5.      Lifestyle: present and future
         Speaking: Transport                                                    Book p. 66
         Run for a Better Life!                                                 Book p. 67/B
         Writing: Healthy lifestyle                                           Book ps 68-69
6.      The Future of the Environment
         Reading: Building the Future                                     Book p. 71
         Round-Up: The Future of Water                                Book p. 81/A
         Hope for a Greener Future                                          WB. p. 40/E
7.      Environmental Issues
         Speaking: Your impact on the environment               Book p. 76
         Round-Up: Save the Earth                                         Book p. 83/D
         Writing: Air pollution                                                 Book ps. 78-79
                        Park or parking garage?
Module 4           Showbiz
8.      Celebrities’ Lives
         Reading: How Celebrities Spend Their Cash             Book ps. 86-87
         Examination Practice: Swagbags                                Book p. 93/B
         Round-Up Reading: How to Get Rich and Famous  WB. p. 58/A
9.      Fame: Positive and Negative Aspects
         Speaking                                                                      Book p. 92
         Round-Up Reading                                                    Book p. 106
         Round-Up Reading                                                    Book p. 108/D
10.    The Arts
         Reading: Dance performances (one that appeals        Book ps. 96-97
                        to you and one that does not + reasons)
         Speaking: Art courses in the school curriculum          Book p. 102
         Foodscapes                                                                 WB. p. 57/C
Module 5           Express Yourself
11.    Celebrations
         Reading: Fire Ant Festival                                          Book p. 113
         Speaking: Celebrating special events                          Book p. 118
         Round-Up Reading: Happy Birthday                        WB. p. 72/A
12.    Communication
         Reading: Is There Anybody out There?                     Book p. 123
         Speaking: Telephones                                                 Book p. 128 
13.    Ways of Communication
         Writing: The Internet                                                  Book p. 130/2A
         Round-Up Reading: Dancing Bees                            Book p. 134/D
         Round-Up Reading: Sign Language                          Book p. 135/F
Module 6           Body and Mind
14.    The Mind
         Reading: ESP: Fact or Fiction?                                  Book p. 139
                                                                                             WB. p. 74/A
         Speaking: School subjects
                           Career paths
         Examination practice: Teaching Kids to Be Happy    Book p. 145/A
15.    The Body
         Reading: Fitness programmes (one that appeals         Book ps. 148-149
                           to you and one that does not + reasons)
         Speaking: Health and well-being                                Book p. 154
         Roun-Up Reading: Sound Mind and Body               Book p. 161/E
16.    Keeping fit
         Examination practice: How Athletes Cope with        Book p. 155/B
                                                Hot Climates
         Examination practice: Pilates                                      WB. p. 82/E
         Examination practice: An Energy Booster!                WB. p. 84/B

 Traveller C1 Oral exam topics

Module 1           Getting Ahead
1.      Types of Education
         Reading:    Nature-centred /                                         Book ps. 8-9
                           Cyberspace Teaching
         Education at a Boarding School                                   WB. p. 4/C
2.      Different Forms of the Learning Experience
         Speaking: Extracurricular Activities                             Book p. 16
         Exchange Programmes                                                 WB. p. 7/B
3.      Work and Money
         Speaking: Jobs and Payment                                        Book p. 28      
         Pay or Job Satisfaction?                                               Book p.31/D
         Teens and Work                                                          Book p. 33/D              
Module 2           Around the Globe
4.      Travelling
         Speaking: Summer Camp in a Foreign Country           Book p. 44
         Package Holiday or Independent Travel                     
         Examination Practice: Couch Surfing                          WB. p. 20

Module 3           Be Green
5.      Natural Disasters
         Reading: Disasters in Waiting                                      Book p.65
         Vocabulary: Mount Tambora                                       Book p.66
                              Earthquakes in Shaanxi China
6.      Extinct Animals and Animals in Danger
         Reading: The Dinosaur Saga                                        Book p.64
         Speaking: How to protect animals/plants?                    Book p.72
         Vocabulary: The Zoo debate                                       Workbook p.33
7.      Live in an Environmentally-Friendly Way
         Reading: Welcome to Eco-city                                     Book p.76
         Roof Gardens                                                              Book p.80
8.      Conservation Projects
         Examination Practice: Amazon Rainforest                   Book p.89
         What do you know about the WWF for Nature?          Workbook p.34
         Desalination: a Solution or an Additional Problem?     Workbook p.35
Module 4           Healthy Body, Healthy Mind
9.      Bodily Reactions
         Reading: What happens when you …                          Book p.93
         Laughter: The Best Medicine                                       Book p.97

10.    Healthy Lifestyle
         Speaking: What factors lead to a healthy lifestyle?      Book p.100
                           How can people combat stress in their
                             daily lives?
         Writing: Vegetarianism                                                Book p.101
11.    Sports and Exercise
         Reading: Parkour                                                         Book p.104
         Speaking: Benefits of Doing Sport                               Book p.112
         How Easy is Horse Riding?                                         Workbook p.48
         Sports Deliver Life Long Benefits                               Workbook p.48
Module 5           Modern Times
12.    Advertising and Shopping
         Reading: I Want Less Choice Not More                       Book p.121
         Examination Practice: Up to the Neck in Debt             Book p.125
         Speaking: Online Shopping
                           Livin gin a Consumer Society                    Book p.128
         Writing: The Power of Advertising                              Book p.129
13.    Technology
         Reading: Intelligent Robots                                          Book ps 132-133
         Speaking: Ways of Communication  Book p.140
         Writing: A Life Less Ordinary                                     Book p.142

Module 6           Social Issues
14.    Human Relationships
         Reading: Overdependence on Telecommunications    Book p.149
         Patterns of Behaviour                                                  Book p.153/C
         The Essence of Being Human                                      Book p.155
15.    Against the Law
         Speaking: Illegal Downloading                                    Book p.168
                           Surveillance Cameras
         Writing: Community Service                                        Book p.169
         A Hacker’s Psychological Profile                                Book p.173




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