Analog Thougths - an analog synths inspired soundset for WALDORF blofeld
64 sound for Waldorf blofeld synthesizers with SL License and for Waldorf blofeld KB (in bank A) mainly for ambient / chill / electro music...
2 programs of that soundbank is use HGFortune's 'HGF-Blofeld-Waveset-A-128.wpc' waveset what is given for the LicenseSL by Waldorf. The waveset 'HGF-Blofeld-Waveset-A-128.wpc' is an updated version of 'HGF-Blofeld-Waveset-01.wpc'with 42 wave programs added to the already existing 86. So now it does contain 128 wave programs and is fully downward campatible to the prior soundsets by Inner Dreamer aka Dimitri Schkoda, Dr. Christian Gritzner and HG Fortune. No additional wavetables is used!
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