AoE 2 HD 5.8-as patch

Most már több mint két hónapja él az új patch a HD Edition-ben. Íme az újdonságok (angol nyelven):


Patch Notes for 5.8:

  • (Elite) Elephant Archers +2 archer armor vs anti-archer attacks (from -2 to 0).
  • (Elite) Elephant Archers -2 armor vs anti-cavalry archer attacks (from 0 to -2).
  • Eagle Scout training time in Castle Age +3s (from 32s to 35s), same as Eagle Warrior.
  • Incan free llama bonus is no longer tied to the scout; requires Town Center on nomad-style maps.
  • Vietnamese reveal enemy bonus no longer works in full tech tree games.
  • Malay infinite fish trap bonus no longer works in full tech tree games.
  • Khmer no building requirement bonus no longer works in full tech tree games.
  • Teuton team bonus no longer overrides Faith technology in post-imperial age start games.
  • Fixed the issue with siege workshops not receiving extra HP and armor in Imperial Age.
  • Fixed the issue causing the attack sound of Galleons to not play.
  • Fixed the issue with buildings placed on Desert, Cracked terrain not receiving a bonus damage when being attacked.
  • Hunting dogs effect no longer appears in games with starting ages later than Dark.
  • Watch Towers, Guard Towers and Keeps cost +25w.
  • Coinage moved up to Castle Age, Banking moved up to Imperial age.
  • Couriers cost 600f 600g (increased from 400f 200g).
  • Italian fishing ship cost bonus reduced to 15% (from 20%).
  • Khmer receive Arbalest upgrade.
  • Mayan farmers work at closer speed to the farmers of other civilizations. (0.8 work rate multiplier)
  • (Elite) Arambai cost 80w 60g (increased from 50w, 60g)
  • (Elite) Karambit Warrior cost 30f 15g (increased from 25f 10g).
  • Vietnamese archer HP bonus changed to immediate +20% HP to Archery Range units. (no longer staggered per Age)
  • (Elite) Rattan Archers +5 HP.
  • Korean “Faster building Fortifications” bonus is reduced for Towers (similar to how the Spanish building bonus is reduced for Wonders).
  • Mamelukes receive 5 less damage from Halberdiers.
  • Siege Tower collision size reduced from 0.50 to 0.45.
  • Fire Galleys do 1 damage to fishing ships (reduced from 3)
  • (Elite) Camel Archers training time +4s (from 21s to 25s)
  • Indians camels no longer receive +1 melee armor bonus.
  • Slavic farming bonus is closer to the intended +15% value (multiplier reduced from 1.31 to 1.28).
