Daily Qt Sapience - Fix broken associate with the .pro files under Win 7 

I have installed a new version of Qt SDK on my Win7. Of course I have kept in my mind the Windows's fragile internal mind, so I have uninstalled my previous Qt and QtCreator installations.
The SDK installed fine, but I cannot set the QtCreator to be the default associated program with the pro files anymore. Rightclick associate with browse the qtcreator.exe, and nothing happends. No error message, nothing. Typical M$ related error. After googling a half an hour I have found the solution:
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Daily Qt sapience - Reading ras files from sequential devices not supported  

I have written a library to get JPG files from a webserver continously. It worked fine with Qt 4.6.3 but with the new Qt 4.7.0 I have get the following error for every frame:

Reading ras files from sequential devices not supported

The workaround is the following:

Turn off the automatic format detection, and set the file format explititly:


And no more warnings :)
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Using QtCreator to develop Symbian applications on Linux 

I have done some experiences in Qt application development to Symbian platform on Linux host in the past days. Setting up the development enviroment is quite easy, but the QtCreator made me some headache with its own strange enviroment variable handling.

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Daily Qt sapience - Qt Embedded and tslib 

I have stucked several times with touchscreens and Qt.
My problem's main reason is that I compiled the Qt and tslib outside the openembedded, because I did not liked the Openebmedded's Qt building method. (Build Qt twice once cross compiled, once for the host.)

I have stucked several times in the following situation:
ts_calibrate calibrates, and ts_test works fine, but my Qt app cursor's moves inverse, or it too sensitive or whatever.

Well it seems to be that the various tslibs do not like another,
and their configuration files are not interchangable. And the best one: Qt app likes to work only with the tslib with what it had been compiled.

So if you ran into the similar problem:

Clean up all your existing tslib stuff:

rm -rf /usr/lib/ts
rm -rf /usr/lib/libts*
rm -rf /usr/bin/ts_*

And place your own compiled tslib's binaries, and plugins there.

After then set the following enviroment variables properly of coures:

export TSLIB_FBDEVICE=/dev/fb0
export TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/touchscreen0
export TSLIB_CALIBFILE=/etc/pointercal
export TSLIB_CONFFILE=/etc/ts.conf
export TSLIB_PLUGINDIR=/usr/local/tslib/lib/
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/tslib/lib

Run ts_calibrate

And finally run your Qt app with -qws option.

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[Project Announce] Avrdude Qt frontend 

A mai napon feltoltam a google codera az Avrdudehoz hegesztett Qt alapú frontendemet:

Igazából sok működő rész még nincs benne, csak backup célokat szolgál egyelőre az svn tároló.

Eddig működik:

- Flash programozás, olvasás, ellenőrzés.
- Fuse bitek okos megjelenítése.

Némi ízelítő:

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