Ubuntu /usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftopdf failed 

Today I wanted to print some documents. Click print, wait nothing happends. I have checked the CUPS command panel, and it said, that the
/usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftopdf failed. Happiness. I have tried to run it, and

mm@lapos:~$ /usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftopdf
/usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftopdf: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftopdf: undefined symbol: _ZN13GfxColorSpace5parseEP6Object

This happends on my notebook running Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala x86_64.

I remember that there were a CUPS update few days ago. I have forced back the old version of cups, but it did not helped. So I have made a bit workaround with

mm@lapos:~$ sudo mv /usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftopdf /usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftopdf2
mm@lapos:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/cups restart

AAnd happiness.
Now I feel that once I will be angry to myself about this action, but currently I can print, and this is what is matter.

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