AVR libc _delay_ms() does not works after upgrading to Ubuntu Raring Ringtail 

After upgrading my system to kUbuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail the delays in my avr-gcc compiled binaries had been gone.
After reading the #include <util/delay.h> documentation my eyes cached the __DELAY_BACKWARD_COMPATIBLE__ macro. After defining it the delays are working.


#define F_CPU 16000000UL
#include <util/delay.h>
#include <avr/io.h>

int main(void
DDRB = 0xFF;
while (1) {

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Nokia VS JSR-234 FlashControl 

My father have a Nokia 6303i Classic, and he missed one feature from it: to be able to use the camera flash as torchlight.

According to the Device speciications, it supports the JSR-234:
http://www.developer.nokia.com/Devices/ ... i_classic/

1 Contains: CameraControl, SnapshotControl, FlashControl, FocusControl and ZoomControl

i have ditched together a small Midelt, and tried to run it on the device, but I get Flash method not supported exception.

Okay, lets check the getSupportedMethod

And the device have only one supported Flash mode the FlashControl.OFF.

I have not been able to believe it, so I have tried the Nokia C3-01 and the X2-00 at at the NOKIA RDA

But both devices produced the same behaviour.
Come on, why the hell did they implemented this API if it simply useless...
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Strip phpmyadmin export to databases 

Exporting all tables with phpMyAdmin is not a good idea since there are some system tables which cannot be written during the importing.
(information_schema, mysql, performance_schema, test). If you did it as I you can strip the dump to databases using it the following php script:


$databaseComment = "-- Adat";

$handle = @fopen("localhost.sql", "r";);
$outhandle = 0;
if ($handle) {
while (($buffer = fgets($handle)) !== false) {
if (substr($buffer, 0, 7) == $databaseComment) {
$first = strrpos($buffer, ':';) + 3;
$length = strlen($buffer) - 2 - $first;
$dbName = substr($buffer, $first, $length);
echo $dbName."<br>";
if ($outHandle !== 0) {
$outHandle = @fopen($dbName.".sql", "w";);
if ($outHandle !== 0) {
fputs($outHandle, $buffer);
if (!feof($handle)) {
echo "Error: unexpected fgets() fail\n";


Modify the $databaseComment variable to your database separating comments of your language settings.
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Some Hisilicon HI3515 embedded Linux investigation 

In my last post I have been blogged about a Hisilicon HI3515 based DVR recorder.

The device itself functioning well, except the web interface which requires ActiveX control installation which is unavailable for my system.
After a quick look at the u-boot I have figured out that we can boot the kernel through tftp without hurting the Flash device.

The first interesting project is the ezbox:

The project itself is very strange.
It provides a buiold system for different embedded devices (AR7240 based routers, HI3515 based Multimedia Processing Platform, x86 based CNC controller)

It includes the liloutdistro for a Hisilicon HI3515 MPPP Multimedia Procesing Platform.

This also includes some binary kernel blobs for handling the HI3515 peripherials:

There are serveral sample programs including binary only libraries in the distro also, but without source.

So we are blessed with some binary only stuffs around for the 2.6.24 kernel only without any examples. Don't panic, use the google-fu.

First interestingstuff is this SDK from our chinese friends:
http://www.pudn.com/downloads111/source ... 62702.html

The second one is the smartmind project:
http://smartmind.googlecode.com/svn-his ... 1x_device/

And the last one:
http://code.google.com/p/fvp/source/bro ... k%2F%20fvp

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