After some DMM peek-poke I have managed to figure out the USB pinout:
VUSB: Yellow
GND: White
D-: Green
D+: Orange
The rest of the wires are for the MICs I think.
Some time ago I have bought a low cost ESC for my Tamiya Thundershot from Ebay. Something like this one:
I was always curious about the internal of these stuffs, but I never find any documentation about things like this. MCU: EM788P153 (OTP) FETs: 6 IRL3803 (2x2 parallel in forward direction, 1x2 in reverse). Holtek HT7150 LDO for servos in SOT-89 package. In some ebay shots I can see modifications around that area with a DPAK LDO. Update: revenged power stage. Looks like it has a 20V step up converter, an using an LM339 in comparator mode to drive the FETs. Also notice that it has a dedicated direction where 4 FETs are used while in reverse only 2 but this operation mode is when you drive the negative to the red motor cable and the positive to the black one!: Just to feed google with Göepel CASCON error messages:
If you face this error even if Go to advanced options -> Generate untick -> Test Execution/parallel I have a model in a CakePHP app where I refer to the parents.
The tree behaviour seems to be an overkill for this purpose, but I needed the children's count for each random node. (For feeding this to a jstree widget through AJAX.) My model was called ItemTypes and until I have not added the className => __CLASS__ to the belongsTo association the generated SQL query tried to refer to the parent_item_types which does not exists.
Many kudos to jose_zap! |