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2.8 Bibliographic Remarks

Several textbooks discuss various aspects of high-performance architectures [PH90, PH96, Sto93]. Parallel architectures and interconnection networks have been well described [CSG98, LW95, HX98, Fly95, AG94, DeC89, HB84, Lil92, Sie85, Sto93]. Historically, the classification of parallel computers as SISD, SIMD, and MIMD was introduced by Flynn [Fly72]. He also proposed the MISD (multiple instruction stream, single data stream) model. MISD is less natural than the other classes, although it can be viewed as a model for pipelining. Darema [DRGNP] introduced the Single Program Multiple Data (SPMD) paradigm. Ni [Ni91] provides a layered classification of parallel computers based on hardware architecture, address space, communication model, language, programming environment, and applications.

Interconnection networks have been an area of active interest for decades. Feng [Fen81] provides a tutorial on static and dynamic interconnection networks. The perfect shuffle interconnection pattern was introduced by Stone [Sto71]. Omega networks were introduced by Lawrie [Law75]. Other multistage networks have also been proposed. These include the Flip network [Bat76] and the Baseline network [WF80]. Mesh of trees and pyramidal mesh are discussed by Leighton [Lei92]. Leighton [Lei92] also provides a detailed discussion of many related networks.

The C.mmp was an early research prototype MIMD shared-address-space parallel computer based on the Crossbar switch [WB72]. The Sun Ultra HPC Server and Fujitsu VPP 500 are examples of crossbar-based parallel computers or their variants. Several parallel computers were based on multistage interconnection networks including the BBN Butterfly [BBN89], the NYU Ultracomputer [GGK+83], and the IBM RP-3 [PBG+85]. The SGI Origin 2000, Stanford Dash [LLG+92] and the KSR-1 [Ken90] are NUMA shared-address-space computers.

The Cosmic Cube [Sei85] was among the first message-passing parallel computers based on a hypercube-connected network. These were followed by the nCUBE 2 [nCU90] and the Intel iPSC-1, iPSC-2, and iPSC/860. More recently, the SGI Origin 2000 uses a network similar to a hypercube. Saad and Shultz [SS88, SS89a] derive interesting properties of the hypercube-connected network and a variety of other static networks [SS89b]. Many parallel computers, such as the Cray T3E, are based on the mesh network. The Intel Paragon XP/S [Sup91] and the Mosaic C [Sei92] are earlier examples of two-dimensional mesh-based computers. The MIT J-Machine [D+92] was based on a three-dimensional mesh network. The performance of mesh-connected computers can be improved by augmenting the mesh network with broadcast buses [KR87a]. The reconfigurable mesh architecture (Figure 2.35 in Problem 2.16) was introduced by Miller et al. [MKRS88]. Other examples of reconfigurable meshes include the TRAC and PCHIP.

The DADO parallel computer was based on a tree network [SM86]. It used a complete binary tree of depth 10. Leiserson [Lei85b] introduced the fat-tree interconnection network and proved several interesting characteristics of it. He showed that for a given volume of hardware, no network has much better performance than a fat tree. The Thinking Machines CM-5 [Thi91] parallel computer was based on a fat tree interconnection network.

The Illiac IV [Bar68] was among the first SIMD parallel computers. Other SIMD computers include the Goodyear MPP [Bat80], the DAP 610, and the CM-2 [Thi90], MasPar MP-1, and MasPar MP-2 [Nic90]. The CM-5 and DADO incorporate both SIMD and MIMD features. Both are MIMD computers but have extra hardware for fast synchronization, which enables them to operate in SIMD mode. The CM-5 had a control network to augment the data network. The control network provides such functions as broadcast, reduction, combining, and other global operations.

Leighton [Lei92] and Ranka and Sahni [RS90b] discuss embedding one interconnection network into another. Gray codes, used in embedding linear array and mesh topologies, are discussed by Reingold [RND77]. Ranka and Sahni [RS90b] discuss the concepts of congestion, dilation, and expansion.

A comprehensive survey of cut-through routing techniques is provided by Ni and McKinley [NM93]. The wormhole routing technique was proposed by Dally and Seitz [DS86]. A related technique called virtual cut-through, in which communication buffers are provided at intermediate nodes, was described by Kermani and Kleinrock [KK79]. Dally and Seitz [DS87] discuss deadlock-free wormhole routing based on channel dependence graphs. Deterministic routing schemes based on dimension ordering are often used to avoid deadlocks. Cut-through routing has been used in several parallel computers. The E-cube routing scheme for hypercubes was proposed by [SB77].

Dally [Dal90b] discusses cost-performance tradeoffs of networks for message-passing computers. Using the bisection bandwidth of a network as a measure of the cost of the network, he shows that low-dimensional networks (such as two-dimensional meshes) are more cost-effective than high-dimensional networks (such as hypercubes) [Dal87, Dal90b, Dal90a]. Kreeger and Vempaty [KV92] derive the bandwidth equalization factor for a mesh with respect to a hypercube-connected computer for all-to-all personalized communication (Section 4.5). Gupta and Kumar [GK93b] analyze the cost-performance tradeoffs of FFT computations on mesh and hypercube networks.

The properties of PRAMs have been studied extensively [FW78, KR88, LY86, Sni82, Sni85]. Books by Akl [Akl89], Gibbons [GR90], and Jaja [Jaj92] address PRAM algorithms. Our discussion of PRAM is based upon the book by Jaja [Jaj92]. A number of processor networks have been proposed to simulate PRAM models [AHMP87, HP89, LPP88, LPP89, MV84, Upf84, UW84]. Mehlhorn and Vishkin [MV84] propose the module parallel computer (MPC) to simulate PRAM models. The MPC is a message-passing parallel computer composed of p processors, each with a fixed amount of memory and connected by a completely-connected network. The MPC is capable of probabilistically simulating T steps of a PRAM in T log p steps if the total memory is increased by a factor of log p. The main drawback of the MPC model is that a completely-connected network is difficult to construct for a large number of processors. Alt et al. [AHMP87] propose another model called the bounded-degree network (BDN). In this network, each processor is connected to a fixed number of other processors. Karlin and Upfal [KU86] describe an O(T log p) time probabilistic simulation of a PRAM on a BDN. Hornick and Preparata [HP89] propose a bipartite network that connects sets of processors and memory pools. They investigate both the message-passing MPC and BDN based on a mesh of trees.

Many modifications of the PRAM model have been proposed that attempt to bring it closer to practical parallel computers. Aggarwal, Chandra, and Snir [ACS89b] propose the LPRAM (local-memory PRAM) model and the BPRAM (block PRAM) model [ACS89b]. They also introduce a hierarchical memory model of computation [ACS89a]. In this model, memory units at different levels are accessed in different times. Parallel algorithms for this model induce locality by bringing data into faster memory units before using them and returning them to the slower memory units. Other PRAM models such as phase PRAM [Gib89], XPRAM [Val90b], and the delay model [PY88] have also been proposed. Many researchers have investigated abstract universal models for parallel computers [CKP+93a, Sny86, Val90a]. Models such as BSP [Val90a], Postal model [BNK92], LogP [CKP+93b], A3 [GKRS96], C3 [HK96], CGM [DFRC96], and QSM [Ram97] have been proposed with similar objectives.

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