A few libraries had been left from the new V6 Beta package, so installing it on nonSuse Linux Distributions could be a bit painful.
To install the missing stuff manually follow the steps below:
Download the beta package from here:
http://www.cadsoft.de/betatest/Extract the contents from the installer by running:
sed -e '1,/^__DATA__$/d' eagle-lin-5.91.1-beta.run > eagle-lin-5.91.1-beta.tar.bz2
Then untar the archive wherever you would like to (to /opt for e.g.):
tar -xvjf eagle-lin-5.91.1-beta.tar.bz2
Then download the dependendant libraries which are not present neither in the installer nor in the distribution provided packages:
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4295670/eagle_libs.tar.bz2Extract the files to the eagle bin dir.
To run the program set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to contain the directory containing the libraries extracted above.