Articles number: 2748

5 Random Articles

How to determine the screen coordinates of highlighted text in a TRichEdit
PAS 2 HTML converter
How to copy data from a TMemoryStream to a string without using an array of char as buffer
Search for duplicate files on large drives
Creating a simple Icon Handler for the Windows Explorer


Listázott cikkek: 2700-2750
Article Title
884 What Custom Compiler messages can do for you (Views: 1217)
2482 What does WM_USER+0xB901 mean? (Views: 1218)
2651 What is a DispInterface? (Views: 1211)
15 What is a DRF file? Why is there a problem creating it? (Views: 1214)
2375 What is DelphiX? (Views: 1213)
2576 What is the difference between Borland DataSnap and Microsof ADO.NET (Views: 1211)
2636 What's a buffer overflow and how to avoid it in Delphi? (Views: 1217)
2264 What's DelphiScript ? (Views: 1213)
2742 What's left of Delphi in Delphi 8? (Views: 1213)
361 When TCanvas.StretchDraw is not enough (Views: 1212)
14 When to use the OnCreate, OnShow, OnActivate, and OnPaint events of a TForm (Views: 1213)
2435 When use Interfaces, when use Inheritance ? (Views: 1212)
13 Where in the project files does Delphi store icons? (Views: 1212)
12 Where is Delphi installed? What is $(DELPHI)? (Views: 1217)
11 Why always drag a window by its title bar? (Views: 1215)
1174 Why can't my ISAPI DLL created in Delphi 3 handle multiple connections (Views: 1212)
991 Windows detection routines (Views: 1212)
10 Windows DNA multi-tier: a service-oriented approach (Views: 1213)
2560 Windows Messages? Who,what?! (Views: 1213)
9 Word wrapped TButton (Views: 1211)
8 WordBasic via OLE (Views: 1216)
7 Work around for bug in RichEdit when using PasteFromClipboard, while PlainText = True (Views: 1219)
6 Work with file security descriptors (Views: 1220)
2546 Work with MS Word DisplayAlerts (Views: 1212)
1266 Work with reports in MS Access (Views: 1212)
2326 Working with Browser (Views: 1213)
287 Working with delphi menus (Views: 1215)
1663 Working with files of records (Views: 1212)
803 Working with KeyBoard Binding (Views: 1213)
5 Working with multiselect grids (Views: 1215)
2352 Wrapping filters around TStream classes (Views: 1211)
4 Write a correct date in SQL (Views: 1215)
3 Write a non-visible component that allows only one instance of itself at design time (Views: 1213)
1701 Write a Screensaver (Views: 1213)
449 Write a stack class for Interfaces (Views: 1213)
2325 Write a TCP Redirector using Indy (Views: 1226)
2496 Write Components which handle ENTER-Key like TAB-Key (Views: 1211)
2 Write multiple values to a bookmark in Word (Views: 1215)
1449 Write sorting/search methods that can be re-used (Views: 1213)
2570 Write the checked state of stand-alone TRadioButtons to a TIniFile (Views: 1211)
1436 Writing a simple ISAPI Filter for IIS (Views: 1212)
411 Writing all controls of given component to TXMLDocument (Views: 1215)
1883 Writing wave files to disk (Views: 1211)
2418 XML DOM Parser in Delphi 6 (Views: 1215)
506 XML File Viewer (Views: 1212)
219 Yet Another Credit Card Validator (Views: 1213)
813 ZLIB Compressed Bitmaps (Views: 1220)
1 Zooming effect when minimizing windows (Views: 1211)

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