Self-checking questions

Let's ask ourselves the following questions!

Is the wage standard of people working for the company higher / equal / lower than the average wage standard in the industry / county?

Is the pay gap between men and women larger/ equal/ smaller than the pay gap which is characteristic to the county / industry?

Are the wages and pay gaps by occupational groups higher / equal/ lower than those in the industry / county?

Are the wages and pay gaps by educational level higher / equal/ lower than those in the industry / county?

Is the rate of people working on minimum wages higher / equal/ lower than that of the industry / county?

How does the amount of reimbursement, bonuses, fringe benefits correlate with the average value of the same categories in the industry / county?

How could the wage standard and the pay gap characteristic to the company be generally compared to the average of those in the industry / county?

If we have stated that the condition of the employees is in any way worse than the conditions in the industry / county, we should also find the reasons behind it!

Let's make a plan to change the situation!

Let's create a strategy for the wage bargain using the results of the situation report!