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List of freshwater aquarium fish species

Fish Guide

List of freshwater aquarium fish species

From Wikipedia the free encyclopedia, by MultiMedia

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A vast number of species of fish have been successfully kept in the home aquarium. This list gives only some of the most commonly-kept species.
  • Live-bearing
    • Guppies & mollies (Poecilia)
      • Guppy (Poecilia reticulata)
        Endler's livebearer (Poecilia wingei)
        Sailfin molly (Poecilia latipinna)
    • Platies & swordtails (Xiphophorus)
      • Southern platy (Xiphophorus maculatus)
        Variable platy (Xiphophorus variatus)
        Green swordtail (Xiphophorus hellerii)
  • Egg-laying
    • Bichirs and reedfish (Polypteriformes)
      • Senegal bichir
    • Bonytongues (arowanas)
      • Asian arowana
        Silver arowana
    • Catfish (Siluriformes)
      • Armored catfish (Callichthyidae)
        • Aspidoras
          • Aspidoras fuscoguttatus
            Aspidoras lakoi
            Aspidoras rochai
            Sixray corydoras
        • Brochis
          • Britski's catfish
            Emerald catfish
            Hognosed brochis
        • Callichthys
          • Callichthys callichthys
        • Corydoras
          • Adolf's catfish
            Banded corydoras
            Bandit corydoras
            Barredtail corydoras
            Blackstripe corydoras
            Blacktop corydoras
            Blue corydoras
            Bluespotted corydoras
            Bronze corydoras
            Corydoras atropersonatus
            Corydoras ehrhardti
            Corydoras evelynae
            Corydoras geoffroy
            Corydoras latus
            Corydoras loxozonus
            Corydoras nanus
            Corydoras narcissus
            Corydoras ornatus
            Corydoras osteocarus
            Corydoras polystictus
            Corydoras prionotos
            Corydoras semiaquilus
            Corydoras septentrionalis
            Corydoras simulatus
            Corydoras undulatus
            Dwarf corydoras
            Elegant corydoras
            False network catfish
            False spotted catfish
            Green gold catfish
            Guapore corydoras
            Masked corydoras
            Mosaic corydoras
            Panda corydoras
            Pastaza corydoras
            Peppered corydoras
            Pink corydoras
            Pygmy corydoras
            Reticulated corydoras
            Sailfin corydoras
            Salt and pepper catfish
            Schwartz's catfish
            Spotted corydoras
            Sterba's cory
            Sychr's catfish
            Tailspot corydoras
            Threestripe corydoras
            Xingu corydoras
      • Armored suckermouth catfish (Loricariidae, aka Plecos)
        • Bristlenose catfish
          • Whiptail Catfish
            Twig Catfish
            Leopard catfish
        • Common plecos
          • Liposarcus pardalis
            Sailfin catfish
            Suckermouth catfish
            Suckermouthed catfish
        • Zebra pleco
        • Dwarf suckermouth catfish (Otocinclus)
      • Glass catfish
        Iridescent shark
        Redtail catfish
    • Characins (Characidae)
      • Black tetra
        Buenos Aires tetra
        Cardinal tetra
        Cave tetra
        Common hatchetfish
        Green neon tetra
        Neon tetra
        Serpae tetra
        Silver dollar
    • Cichlids (Cichlidae)
      • Eartheater cichlid
        Firemouth cichlid
        Jack Dempsey
        Managuense cichlid
        Green terror
        Jewel cichlid
        Electric yellow
        Red empress cichlid
        Red devil cichlid
        Red zebra
        Zebra tilapia
    • Cyprinids (Cyprinidae)
      • Barbs
        • Arulius barb
          Bigspot barb
          Black ruby barb
          Checker barb
          Cherry barb
          Clipper barb
          Clown barb
          Gold barb
          Golden barb
          Greenstripe barb
          Melon barb
          Onespot barb
          Pentazona barb
          Pool barb
          Puntius partipentazona
          Red line torpedo barb
          Rosy barb
          Shortfin barb
          Sixband barb
          Spanner barb
          Spotted barb
          Spottedsail barb
          Swamp barb
          Ticto barb
          Tic-tac-toe barb
          Tiger barb
          Tinfoil barb
      • Cold-water fish
        • Goldfish
          Common carp
          White Cloud Mountain minnow
      • Daces
        • Common dace
      • Danios
        • Bengal danio
          Giant danio
          Malabar danio
          Pearl danio
          Queen danio
          Spotted danio
          Turquoise danio
          Zebra danio
      • Rasboras
        • Harlequin rasbora
          Rasbora pauciperforata
          Rasbora vulcanus
          Rasbora cf. taeniata
    • Elephantnose fish (Gnathonemus petersii)
      Bala shark (Balantiocheilus melanopterus)
    • Knifefish and eels (Gymnotiform)
      • Black ghost knifefish
    • Labyrinth fishes (Anabantidae, Osphronemidae, Helostomatidae)
      • Blue gourami (Three spot gourami)
        Siamese fighting fish
        Kissing gourami
    • Loaches (Cobitidae)
      • Burmese border loach
        Clown loach
        Yoyo loach
        Dojo loach
        Dwarf loach
        Skunk loach
        Horseface loach
        Kuhli loach
        Longnose loach
    • Mormyridae
    • Pufferfish (Tetraodontidae)
      • Giant freshwater pufferfish
        Dwarf pufferfish
        Figure 8 pufferfish

Livebearers Gallery

See also

Home | Up | Aquaria | Barbs | Carp | Catfishes | Characidae | Cichlidae | Corydoras | Danios | Gobiidae | Goldfish | Osphronemidae | Poecilia | Siluriformes | Tetras | Acanthemblemaria spinosa | Altolamprologus | Bala shark | Brine shrimp | Bubble nest | Daphnia | Deep sand bed | Fish anatomy | Fish diseases | Gobiosoma multifasciatum | Ichthyology terms | List of freshwater aquarium fish species | List of freshwater aquarium invertebrate species | List of freshwater aquarium plant species | List of marine aquarium fish species | Live rock | Marine aquarium | Painted fish | Protein skimmer | Reef aquarium | Saddleback clownfish

Fish Guide, made by MultiMedia | Free content and software

This guide is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia.

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