James Bond Rajongói Portál
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821. küldetés
Mi a Spectre film Aston Martinjának a rendszáma?

Magazin ajánló
 Sohase mondd, hogy joghurt
 Korunk hőse? - Negyedévszázados újságcikk
 Megkönyvesített filmrészlet: Élni és halni hagyni
 Ian Fleming, a 007-es szülőatyja
 A McClory-dosszié
 Walther PPK - Harmincöt év Őfelsége Titkosszolgálatában

Ugrás a Magazinra!

Adatbázis frissítések
  • CR (Filmzene)
  • CR (Film)
  • TSWLM (Könyv)
  • Adam
  • Dink
  • Lippe gróf
  • CR (Dalszöveg)
  • TSLOIF89 (Egyéb film)
  • du Sautoy, Carmen
  • Dench, Judi
  • Kalendárium
    <1961> Carey Lowell születésnapja
    <1962> Sheryl Crow születésnapja
    <2003> LALD újramaszterelt CD megjelenése
    You Know My Name

    (nincs elég szavazat)

    KönyvFilmFilmzeneEgyéb film

    If you take a life
    Do you know what you'll give?
    Odds are you won't like what it is

    When the storm arrives
    Would you be seen with me
    By the merciless eyes of deceit?

    I've seen angels fall from blinding heights
    But you yourself are nothing so divine
    Just next in line

    Arm yourself because no one else here will save you
    The odds will betray you
    And I will replace you
    You can't deny the prize
    It may never fulfil you
    It longs to kill you
    Are you willing to die?

    The coldest blood runs through my veins
    You know my name

    If you come inside
    Things will not be the same
    When you return to the lies

    And if you think you've won
    You never saw me change
    The game that we have been playing

    I've seen diamonds cut through harder men
    Than you yourself but if you must pretend
    You may meet your end

    Arm yourself because no one else here will save you
    The odds will betray you
    And I will replace you
    You can't deny the prize
    It may never fulfil you
    It longs to kill you
    Are you willing to die?

    The coldest blood runs through my veins

    Try to hide your hand
    Forget how to feel (forget how to feel)
    Life is gone in just a spin of the wheel (spin of the wheel)

    Arm yourself because no one else here will save you
    The odds will betray you
    And I will replace you
    You can't deny the prize
    It may never fulfil you
    It longs to kill you
    Are you willing to die?

    The coldest blood runs through my veins
    You know my name (x7)

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    Kapcsolatfelvétel: klaatu@freemail.hu

    James Bond TM 007 and related James Bond Trademarks © 1962 - 2006 Danjaq LLC and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This is a fan site and is in no way affiliated with EON, MGM/UA or anything else Bond related.
    © 2004-2006 Magyar James Bond Rajongói Portál / Hungarian James Bond Fan Site

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