Hunedoara County, Romania

OSOW - 2008
This year we've celebrated OSOW Day together with the children coming to the invitation of the Children's Club of Haţeg (Hátszeg magyarul, am deutsch Wallenthal), Hunedoara County in Romania.

I's like to say thanks to Mr István Szakács-Mikes who had the idea to visit this club, and to Mr Nicolae Munteanu the head of the club, as well as to the staff of the same club, last but not least to my sister-in-law and my dear wife for their help in finishing the  Bumblebee.
ecuson - nameplate - OSOW -2008The organizers provided a name card for each and every child and adult taking part in the OSOW Day activity..

Here are some pictures taken by Mr Badiu (his have a border - copy right) and my dear wife.

 grupul de copii care au participat la OSOW 2008, si adultii care colaborat la reusita activitatii
On 12 October 2008, in the morning there were 47 children from the Haţeg area present at the Children's Club. (Mr Badiu took this picture on the flying field - an old airport.)

Well, I was looking forward to taking part in OSOW activities at Haţeg - "UN CER - O LUME" in Romanian. I prepared more than 60 BUMBLEBEE kite (in Romanian BONDAR) as well as more than 60 Scott Sled kites made of shopping bags.
At the premises of the club, as an introduction, Mr N. Munteanu told the children a couple of words about OSOW and gave them the general rules of kite building and kite flying. (Later on in the photos you will see high-voltage lines in the background - well, the children were still at a safe distance. 

On my turn I gave a short history of kiting then introduced three small kites, as follow:
  In fact I taught them how to make these simple kites, but excellent fliers.ajutoare care finalizeaza ZMEULETE BONDARI
BONDARIgata pregatitiWhile I was talking to the children and teaching them how to make these kites, my sister-in-law and my wife were giving the last touch to the Bumblebees.

se preda un zmeu SCOTT SLED (sania zburatoare) directorului clubuluiThen I presented to Mr Munteanu a 90cm Scott Sled made of Tyvek that can be coloured using acrylic paint. The children were eager to touch this interesting material, product of DuPont. 
se face un zmeu din hartie de ziarzmeu delta din ziarzmeu delta din ziar "El Periódico" de lb. catalanazmeu delta din ziarcopiii care se intereseaza de zmeieSe demonstreaza diferite materiale folosite: bambus, Tyvek, hatie, spinnaker nylon, ripstop nylonZmeu Sanie zburatoare (Sled) mare din TYvek si mititel din plasa de cumparaturi- plasticun alt grup de copii - fac si pozese vorbeste de tetraedrul care se poate inpachetaasa arata un zmeu tetraedru deschiscpoiise dau explicatii in legatura cu zmeul farfurie zburatoarezmeul farfuria zburatoare zboara excelent in vant destul de puternic

The children were taken from the club building to an old airfield. There the children formed a line to have the Bumblebee kite.
nu conteaza ca nu e vant, copiilor le place sa alergeparca adie vantultoata lumea alearga cu SANIA VAZDUHULUIUNII deja s-au si intors de la capatul pisteiBondari - quantum satisce placere sa lansezi un zmeu, chiar si un bondarsi mai multi BONDARIINVAZIE DE bondariThey're getting tired. se arata oboseala: doar un bondar si Sania clubului e in cerpuisorii s-au obosit, dai ii mai asteapta o serie de zmeie SANIA VAZHUHULUI (SLED)
After a short rest - as there was no wind they ran a lot in a beautiful sunshine - they were queuing again to get the shopping bag Scott Sleds
se sta la coada ca fiecare sa-si primeasca zmeul SANIA ZBURATOARE facuta din plase plasteice de cumparaturiabia asteapta sa primeasca un al doilea zneu - SANIA VAZDUHULUIse agata snurul de bucla hatului sania - facuta din plasa de cumparaturi CORA - isi ia zborulsled kites made of plastic shopping bagsAcest SLED a primit numele de la branza dulce Túró Rudizmeul tetraedru isi ia zborul
Then I took out of my kite bag some larger kites:
And I tried to put together my beautiful HQ Cody, unfortunately this time I wasn't able to do so - WHAT A SHAME.
By the time I gave up the futile struggle fair wind began to blow and the kids enjoyed thy flying of the larger kites, too.

Zmeu "High Aspect Ratio" deltaHARD - HIGH ASPECT RATIO DELTAHARDhardhardzmeu celular

Now, I'm having a rest,too, at least for the short time span of posing for a photo
"tinarul maistru emerit al sportului"
Finally I would like to thank Mr N. Munteanu and his team for this nice OSOW DAY
  Omul cu zmeie - Zsolt

Last modified: 25 Nov., 2007