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[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z]

page-turn effect 
Paint Bucket tool 
panoramic images 
    image movie clip data 
particle effects
    star field 
    starfield( ) function, dynamic frame rate adjustment 
passing by reference 
passing by value 
Paterson, James 
path movie clip 
patternCircle( ) function 
PDF, importing text equations from 
Penner, Robert 
per-pixel text effects 
performance  [See optimization]
performance budget 
Philips, Adam 
phonetic speech synthesis 
    ACT palettes, importing into Flash 
    adding transparency to an image 
    color, sampling images for 
    converting to SWFs  2nd 
    desaturating images 
    feathering of bitmap edges 
    film grain bitmap, creating 
    PNG-24 format 
    PSD files  [See PSD files]
    scaling down images 
    sepia effects, creating in 
    Swatches tab 
    vector edges, adding to bitmaps 
    collisions, detecting 
        collision hierarchy 
        reverse hierarchy 
    rotation towards a target 
        adding inertia 
    simulating a throw 
        "clip" versus "this" object 
    simulating gravity and friction 
Pitaru, Amit 
pixel fonts 
pixel masks  [See masks]
pixel-based transitions, faking 
placeText( ) function 
    in time-based text effects 
plugin sniffers, Flash 
PNG-24 format 
polling  2nd 
Poser 5 
    default frame rate 
pressHandler( ) functions 
prime numbers, use in tweens to limit repetitions 
privacy settings 
private keyword 
Processing animation tool 
PSD files
    importing into Flash 
PSD2FLA plugin 
publishing defaults, changing 

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