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temporal compression 
TexFormat.getTextExtent( ) method 
    accessibility text, using for help 
        source code 
    antialiasing and performance 
    autocompleting text fields 
        changes and enhancements 
        source code 
    CSS, formatting with 
    ensuring legibility 
        animated text and 
        embedding in SWF files 
    HTML, formatting with 
    images, embedding in 
    importing complex formatting 
    storing a list of input words 
        saving the list 
        source code 
    vector shapes, converting to 
    vector-based Flash text 
text effects
    and fonts 
    at the pixel level 
    examples on the web 
        dynamic placing on the stage 
    generators, third-party 
    "The Matrix" movie, falling green text effect 
    third-party text effects generators 
    time-based effects
        drop effect 
        fade-in and zoom effects 
        stand-up effect 
    time-based text effects 
    timeline text effects 
        breaking apart 
        Envelope tool 
    typewriter effect 
TextFormat.getTextExtent( ) method 
threeDPlotter( ) function 
throwClip( ) function 
throws, simulating 
    "clip" versus "this" object 
tiler( ) function 
tiles, creating 
time stretching 
time-based text effects 
time-based transitions 
    code storage in 
    locking scripts to 
    text effects using 
    timeline-based code 
timeout events 
timer property 
trace( ) 
    class properties, access using 
    omitting actions 
trans( ) function 
    onEnterFrame( ) handlers 
Transform class 
transform objects 
Transform( ) function 
transition( ) method 
tree generator 
    fractal growth 
    growth parameters 
tree motion, simulating 
turning towards a point 
    adding inertia 
tween frames 
tweens, limitations of 
type checking 
    conditional statements and 
typeClick linkage identifier 
typewriter effect 
"_typewriter" font 
typewriter( ) function 

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