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fadeIn( ) method 
fadeOut( ) method 
fades, fixing alpha property inaccuracies 
fake per-pixel transitions 
falling green text effect from "The Matrix" 
fast save 
fieldChange( ) function 
File Save and Compact command 
File Save As command 
file extensions and security 
filesize optimization 
    preventing bloat 
fillBottom( ) function 
filled circles, creating at runtime 
Fireworks  [See also Photoshop]2nd 
FLA files, compacting 
FLA files, examples
    speech_final.fla  2nd 
    3D support 
    alternatives to 
    authoring environment 
    authoring tool 
    browser back button integration 
    context menu, removal 
    cutoff frequencies, sound export bit rate settings 
    file bloat problem 
    file extensions and 
    IDE preferences 
    importing complex text formatting 
    publishing defaults 
    site loading, user experience of 
    sound synchronization to keyframe problems 
    versions, file format differences 
Flash Bandwidth Profiler 
Flash Exchange 
Flash JavaScript (JSFL) 
Flash MX 2004 
    ActionScript version, setting  2nd 
    ActionScript, changes from earlier versions 
    case-sensitivity rules 
    v2 components and animation 
Flash MX, ActionScript support 
Flash Player 
    backward compatibility 
    cell phone and PDA versions 
    configuring for updates 
    non-Windows versions 
    older version archives 
    Settings Manager 
    supported but undocumented methods 
    testing against multiple versions 
    user statistics 
    v2 component compatibility 
    Version 6
        SWF, centering 
    Version 7
        ActionScript additions 
        design optimization 
Flash plugin sniffers  2nd 
    JavaScript sniffer problems 
Flash Plugin Switcher 
Flash tab, publishing settings 
FlashCoders Wiki 
FlashCom streams, security issues 
Flasm (FLash ASseMbler) 
Flex presentation server product 
followMouse( ) function 
fonts  2nd 
    "_sans" font 
    "_serif" font 
    animated text and  2nd 
    embedding in SWF files  2nd 
    rotating  2nd 
    system fonts and text effects 
Fonts for Flash 
force vectors 
Foulds, Andy 
frame rate and motion 
frame rate, calculating 
frame-based animation 
friction, simulating 
function statement 

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