Illatos út...
„Egy nemzet nagysága és erkölcsi fejlettsége híven tükröződik abban, ahogyan az állatokkal bánik.” Mahatma Gandhi
„Te egyszer s mindenkorra felelős lettél azért, akit megszelídítettél...” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Summary to the distemper project

Distemper is highly contagious viral disease of open canine communities spreading with droplet infection. Carrier animals infect the susceptible or relatively protected dogs. The course of the disease is fatal. Both shelters and adopted dogs can be affected, and this raises moral and animal protection questions. The distemper virus is highly immunosuppressive, and the secondary and opportunistic infections can have public health impact.

The desired goal is to build up homogenous immune status in canine communities against distemper. This can be achieved with the preventive treatment of the animals admitted newly to the shelters. Sanitary measures are important but not enough to prevent the disease. The relevant practical intervention means administration of distemper hyperimmune serum and following vaccination carried out after appropriate protocols. Basic needs are the reliable inventory of the animals and monitoring of the epidemiological situation with diagnostic tests.

Dr. Lakatos Béla