Archívum: 'Állatfarm' Kategória

Régi kedvenc újra :)


Lostprophets - Burn, burn 

Where do i begin, with this life we’re living in
Market youth the uniform, make us all fit in
But do you think, that we’re that blind?
That we can’t see, through all your lies
‘Cause it’s no good
Burn, burn the station
We’ll burn it down
Burn, burn the truth
Enjoy the flames
In celebration
Enjoy the sound
For us, for them, […]

Chinese Democracy, 2008.


Guns N’ Roses nevű együttes új albuma. Már nem a régi felállás - csak Axl Rose maradt a bandából.
Jó, jó, csak éppen nem Guns N’ Roses - legalábbis én nem ezt a stílust tartom annak. Még csak nem is rock néhol… Axl bácsi hangját az album 5. számánál kezdtem felismerni. De azért beleszerettem egy számukba… […]

Day 3: Pain (Ayreon)


[Agony] I am pain
I am real. I’m not a dream
I’m the chain around your neck as you scream
Surrender now
You can’t beat death at his ruthless game
Make your bow
Hang your head in shame
[Me] I can’t believe there is no way out…
[Agony] You’ll find you are wrong
[Me] You fill me with doubt…
[Agony] You were never that strong
[Agony] […]

KT Tunstall - Black Horse & The Cherry Tree :)


*two, three, four*
Well my heart knows me better than I know myself, so
I’m gonna let it do all the talking
I came across a place in the middle o’ nowhere with a
Big black horse and a cherry tree
I felt a little fear upon my back, I said
Don’t look back, just keep on walking
When the big black […]

Day 18: Realization (The Human Equation; Ayreon)


[Reason] Now you know the truth, what will you do?
[Me] I still can’t believe it’s true…
[Passion] You better believe it, and make them pay!
[Me] There has to be another way…
[Pride] You cannot take this lying down!
[Me] I gotta stand up, can you show me how?
[Love] You must forgive them and open your heart
[Me] It’s all […]

Walking in the air (Nightwish)


We’re walking in the air
We’re floating in the moonlit sky
The people far below are sleeping as we fly
I´m holding very tight
I’m riding in the midnight blue
I’m finding I can fly so high above with you
Far across the world
The villages go by like dreams
The rivers and the hills
The forests and the streams
Children gaze open mouth
Taken by […]

Moonlight Shadow (Mike Oldfield)


The last that ever she saw him
Carried away by a moonlight shadow
He passed on worried and warning
Carried away by a moonlight shadow.
Lost in a river last saturday night
Far away on the other side.
He was caught in the middle of a desperate fight
And she couldn’t find how to push through
The trees that whisper in the evening
Carried […]

Stuckeyville by Phil Stubbs (Ed)


Sometimes I feel
Like a man without a home
Just my guitar and my memories
and the highways that I roam
Then I do remember
A place I call my home
In a little town called Stuckeyville
Where no one feels alone

Mary Lou (Sonata Arctica)


Mamas put your babies to sleep, story too cruelsome for
them this is. In Junior high she said goodbye to her parents and ran
away with a boy. She left her family warm and kind, all of her friends said
“you’re out of your mind”. Life of her own she would find,
it’s monday […]

Systemgörény, avagy az ufónyalogató tavi hörcsög szomorú története (Hurkatöltő) :)


Borzalmasan nagyon régen
mikor még jézus is a földön járt
egy ufó szállt le a hegyek között
de semmi szépet nem talált
egy zöld mütyürke szállt ki onnan,
hogy meggyőződjön róla ô
e földi világ barátságos
és nem kell tartani semmitől.
Egy kis barlangban nézelődött
csontokat, és egy kis köcsögöt,
de nem vette észre a háta mögött
a gonoszan vigyorgó hörcsögöt
a kicsi hörcsög nem habozott
mögélopózott csendesen
majd […]